Posted by Vacendak on October 23, 1999 at 15:19:08:
Greetings, weekend Stone warriors! Ya know, after reading all the disputes/discussions/opinions/flames/B.S./etc. about EXILE ON MAIN STREET, especially the view that it contained "filler" songs, my warped brain cells got together and caused me to wonder: if EXILE had only contained 10 songs, which is around the same number their other albums around the time contained, could it have been a better album, and possibly better recieved? And which songs would you cut? Here's my shortened lineup: ~~SIDE ONE: 1) Rocks Off ~~ 2) Tumbling Dice~~3) Sweet Virginia~~4) All Down The Line~~5) Stop Breaking Down~~~SIDE 2: 1) Happy~~2) Shine A Light~~3) Rip This Joint~~4) Sweet Black Angel~~5) Torn & Frayed ~~Of course, it would sound wrong somehow if you heard this lineup now, cause you get used to hearing them in the same order. And certain songs see to blend into the following song on the album. Hopefully this subject hasn't been examined this way, I hate to be the last to know......ROCK Onnnnnn....~~Vacendak~~